Event: TOYCON UK 2014

ToyCon UK in London was amazing! It was so much fun meeting the artists, other collectors and be surrounded by so many beautiful art toys. I also attended the panels about toy customizing, resin and 3D printing. It was so inspiring! Of course I could not leave without bringing some art toys back home with me.


Top row left to right: Doktor A, Monsters & Mecha, Cris Rose
Bottom row left to right: Doktor A, Ume Toys, Uncle Absinthe, Ume Toys, Lunartik


Sadly it was impossible to take beautiful photo's of my own work at ToyCon. They were hiding behind a Mega Munny who was in the way of every shot that I tried to take. The custom Androids and the custom Tea are available. Just contact me or the people from The Toy Chronicle if you are interested.

Photo's of ToyCon UK can be found at my TOYCON UK 2014 photo album on Flickr


Olivier Jobert said…
I left you a message on G+ for the green android. Thanks